Andrea Hubert

Since late 2010 I have performed stand up comedy all over the UK. I performed my debut Edinburgh show 'Week' at the Edinburgh Festival in 2016, and it went pretty well. I got some lovely reviews, and despite crippling sauna-like conditions in my venue, nobody fainted like a Southern Belle. I performed my second show 'Holes of Joy' at the Edinburgh Festival in 2018 and it also went pretty well. Amongst others, I had a very nice review from Scotsgay, which is all the approval I ever really wanted.

I also do film writing for The Guardian Guide, and comedy for TV. I contributed sketches for BBC's Walk on the Wildside, and wrote sketches for E4's Mad on Chelsea. (I also write corporate tweets for money, which emotionally makes me feel a bit like the middle of a human centipede).


In 2013, my writing partner Ryan Cull and I won the BAFTA Rocliffe New Comedy Writing Forum. We sold our first sitcom to the BBC, and are currently finishing our first feature length script. I'm pretty proud of it and I very much hope you get to see it some day. Though given the deteriation of society, it's far more likely you'll see me reciting it while high at Speakers Corner while people throw rubbish at my head. Either way, I'll give it 100%.